Won’t Automation Put Lawyers Out Of Work?

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It’s a scary thought that runs through our minds when us lawyers hear the word automation.

The good news is that automation won’t put lawyers out of work as long as we take steps right now to use the automation technology available to us.Here’s some more good news:

  • Automation will not destroy your client relationships – most clients will continue to want the personal reassurance that comes with dealing with another human.
  • Automation isn’t attacking the repetitive tasks of just the legal industry.  All industries are under this same threat. We are not alone.
  • Having our repetitive tasks automated means we can focus on higher value and more meaningful work.
  • Automation is not threatening those who have the necessary skills to advocate for others.
  • We can use automation to create new revenue streams for our firms by selling automated legal products online.
  • Automation gives us a greater opportunity than ever before to run more efficient, profitable and low-risk law firms.

This is actually a really exciting time for lawyers as long as we’re willing to embrace the automation tools available to us.  If we don’t, I shudder to think of what will be left of many once-thriving law firms in 10 – 15 years’ time (perhaps sooner).  You can learn more about using automation in your law firm by joining me for a webinar on How Lawyers Can Defend Their Career In The Age Of Automation – I hold these regularly and promote them through the Automio Newsletter. Join now and stay in the loop.

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